21 photos of the best pranks we've ever seen

Don't be an April fool.

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Replacing all of someone's pens with crayons because you're a child. (Photo via Flickr user Matt Doucette)
Replacing all of someone's pens with crayons because you're a child. (Photo via Flickr user Matt Doucette)
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Aluminum foil office. Classic. (Photo via Flickr user Larry Quinn)
Aluminum foil office. Classic. (Photo via Flickr user Larry Quinn)
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We admire the time commitment shown here. (Photo via Flickr user Disterics)
We admire the time commitment shown here. (Photo via Flickr user Disterics)
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Amazing. (Photo via Flickr user Casey Bisson)
Amazing. (Photo via Flickr user Casey Bisson)
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Weird but ok. (Photo via Flickr user WetWebWork)
Weird but ok. (Photo via Flickr user WetWebWork)
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Basically setting anyone's homescreen/desktop background to porn always works. (Photo via Flickr user Vicky Somma)
Basically setting anyone's homescreen/desktop background to porn always works. (Photo via Flickr user Vicky Somma)
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Switching up the marker colors. (Photo via Flickr user Ross Hermes)
Switching up the marker colors. (Photo via Flickr user Ross Hermes)
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The cutest prank ever. (Photo via Flickr user Tais Melillo)
The cutest prank ever. (Photo via Flickr user Tais Melillo)
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Saran car! (Photo via Flickr user Lovecatz)
Saran car! (Photo via Flickr user Lovecatz)
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Sticky notes: handy yet annoying as shit when they're everywhere. (Photo via Flickr user 5gig)
Sticky notes: handy yet annoying as shit when they're everywhere. (Photo via Flickr user 5gig)
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Perf. (Photo via Flickr user Lisa Brank)
Perf. (Photo via Flickr user Lisa Brank)
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They literally just put shit they found on the street on someone's car. (Photo via Flickr user Paul Waite)
They literally just put shit they found on the street on someone's car. (Photo via Flickr user Paul Waite)
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Get rid of all your extra holiday wrapping paper! (Photo via Flickr user Scpetrel)
Get rid of all your extra holiday wrapping paper! (Photo via Flickr user Scpetrel)
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Get em. (Photo via Instagram user ncourtney1984)
Get em. (Photo via Instagram user ncourtney1984)
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Fake blue screen of death, gets em every time. (Just save this photo and upload it as the desktop background). (Photo via Instagram user ncourtney1984)
Fake blue screen of death, gets em every time. (Just save this photo and upload it as the desktop background). (Photo via Instagram user ncourtney1984)
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Bastards. (Photo via Flickr user Angie Bor )
Bastards. (Photo via Flickr user Angie Bor )
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This is just cruel. (Photo via Tumblr user niknak79)
This is just cruel. (Photo via Tumblr user niknak79)
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A**holes. (Photo via Instagram user ann
A**holes. (Photo via Instagram user ann
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Ha ha ha ha ha. (Photo via Instagram user jessicay299)
Ha ha ha ha ha. (Photo via Instagram user jessicay299)
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Imagine seeing your computer do this. (Instructions: Flip their computer screen upside down. 
You don’t have to be a tech wizard to accomplish this feat. Depending on their operating system, flipping a computer screen only take a few buttons. For PCs, press CTRL + ALT and the down arrow. To return it to its original state, press CTRL + ALT and the up arrow. For Macs, go to System Preferences, hit Display while pressing CTRL + Option. A menu titled Rotation should appear along with list of commands. Proceed to revel in your coworker’s frustration.) (Photo via Luanne Lim, our cleverly cruel intern)
Imagine seeing your computer do this. (Instructions: Flip their computer screen upside down. You don’t have to be a tech wizard to accomplish this feat. Depending on their operating system, flipping a computer screen only take a few buttons. For PCs, press CTRL + ALT and the down arrow. To return it to its original state, press CTRL + ALT and the up arrow. For Macs, go to System Preferences, hit Display while pressing CTRL + Option. A menu titled Rotation should appear along with list of commands. Proceed to revel in your coworker’s frustration.) (Photo via Luanne Lim, our cleverly cruel intern)
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